Sandra Arriaga is Our March Employee of the Month!

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Wednesday, March 1 2023

Sandra was nominated for March’s Employee of the Month because she is hard working, reliable and has been added to many clients preferred list. She is always on time and eager to pick up shifts last minute to help our clients and her colleagues. She has a good relationship with all her coworkers and continues to be a team player day after day! We are delighted to have Sandra on our team here at Culinary Staffing Services and we thank her for her service and commitment. 

Sandra specializes in Front of House operations in numerous roles and has multiple years in the hospitality field. 

Sandra is a new resident to California and is loving SoCal! She moved last year cross country from Nebraska and loves exploring all there is to do in SoCal, from Indie shows, hiking, and discovering new restaurants. She is keeping busy and enjoying all that California has to offer. 

We caught up with Sandra to get to know her a little better and here is what she shared about herself: 

Culinary Staffing Services: What do you like to do on your off days?

Sandra Arriaga: On my days off I like to stay active and weight train at the gym. 

CSS: Do you have a location to visit on your bucket list or have a favorite place to visit?

SA: Visiting New Zealand as well as Norway are on my bucket list. My favorite place to travel to is Zion National Park where I’ve hiked Angels Landing twice. 

CSS: What is your favorite type of music?

SA: I enjoy a wide range of music, anything from Spanish Rock, EDM, French Pop, and Indie. 

CSS: Do you have any hobbies or special interests? 

SA: Apart from working with Culinary Staffing, I work as a photographer’s assistant. Ever since I was little, I enjoyed being behind the camera filming family events and creating videos to share with them afterwards. 

CSS: Outside of Culinary Staffing, what is your dream job?

SA: When I was younger, I dreamed of being a music director/ choreographer and working with international artists. 

Special thanks and Congratulations Sandra for allowing us to get to know you and for all your hard work!